- Items must be returned damage free and with the same level of care and packaging as it was shipped out in.
- You have 14 days to return any unwanted items from the date that the tracking shows the item as received, these must be returned in their original condition and in line with the rest of our return policy, the cost of the return is covered by the customer
- If you feel you have received a defective or damaged item, please contact us within 3 business days of the delivery date.
- Product must be shipped back in their original box. The product box needs to be placed in another box to avoid damage from shipping.
- The correct amount of shipping insurance must be selected when returning an item, if this not selected then we will not be held responsible for any lost or damaged returns.
- Products returned using the product box as the shipping box, or products returned without their original product box will not be refunded as we will not be able to sell these.
- Final Sale items will not be accepted for return. Items will be shown as final sale when they are put in your cart and will also show up as final sale on the receipt included with your order.